Behind the Scenes / Events / Features

Behind the Scenes: Vossen Japan 2016

Posted on December 8, 2016 by

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Traveling to Japan for Tokyo Auto Salon each January is a lot more involved than just hopping on a plane and taking a cab to the show, and after spending the following weeks reliving the annual journey through stories and iPhone photos, it was time to really document it all in full production video. With a handful of cameras rolling nonstop for the nearly-two weeks we were abroad, we managed to really showcase what happens behind the scenes, from unexpected winter elements and overnight right-hand driving to capturing Hamana’s German Trio at Saitama Stadium.

Click the banners before for photo and video coverage our owners meet, Tokyo Auto Salon, and some of the cars we were fortunate to shoot along the way!









About the Author

Sam Dobbins

Many years as an automotive photojournalist, with work published in countless worldwide publications, have led to Sam's role as Vossen's Creative Director, traveling around the world to document the culture of Vossen and its supporters.