We had the opportunity to hang out and work with a big enthusiast in the LX scene and car scene in general and we think you will like the results. Shawn is the owner of this incredible modified Dodge Challenger and goes by the name “Galvatron” which is so appropriate (any Transformers fans?) since the car is mean and powerful! The good news is Shawn is a real nice guy and allowed us to shoot his car. What clearly stands out is the purple color with the white stripes and complimenting it perfectly is the Vossen CV1. The CV1 is such a versatile design where it can match a powerful, big coupe like the Challenger perfectly, adding sport with a perfect size of 22×9 and 22×10.5 mounted. Going through the gallery you will see the awesome touches Shawn has put on his car to make it stand out from the rest as he takes his car to the next level in the show scene with the addition of 22″ Vossen CV1s. Its nice and refreshing to see such a statement color with the purple on the car!
Enjoy the full size gallery by clicking any of the pictures and if you see “Galvatron” around tell him great job! And of course ask about his Vossen CV1s! Any questions, email us at info@vossenwheels.com!