Wörthersee is the Mecca of VW events around the world. Cars and people travel hundreds, and in our case even thousands, of miles to attend the event. But the amazing thing is that the event has turned into more of a festival than anything else, spanning several weeks instead of the original single weekend. Worthersee 2015 was bigger and better than I ever could’ve imagined.
For us, our trek began in Liechtenstein with our European distributor, Eccentricall. We met up with a handful of other Vossen cars just across the border in Austria and before we knew it we were on the road.
After facing some elements we approached Lake Worthersee and the skies opened up. The excitement after eight hours in the cars grew stronger and we snapped off some rollers through the mountains.
Once we arrived in Velden, the main town that attracts the VW/Audi masses, it was clear that, despite being two full weeks ahead of the main event, the cars and people were here in full effect.
The streets were packed with people and cars in an endless parade, rarely seeing the same car pass twice. Whilst walking about we found a couple Vossen-clad cars hiding here and there, too!
Before we knew it, night had come and it was time to rest up before the next day’s festivities. We woke early and travelled to Faak Am See, another town around Lake Worthersee, for one of the biggest informal GTGs of VWs I’ve ever seen—and right in the middle was a section kept clear for just Vossen cars!
Without being aerial it is really difficult to show the sheer size of this one little area and just how many cars were there. We hung around for a couple hours, met with Vossen enthusiasts from all over Europe, and just generally enjoyed the scenery and comraderie of the people there.
And as quickly as our Vossen Owners Meet in the middle of Faak Am See came, it also went, and we were on our way to a handful of photo shoots for the day—but not before catching some rollers of this blue beauty, below!
We would like to thank our distributor and main man, Thomas, from Eccentricall for all the help throughout the journey. We look forward to every opportunity we have to meet our owners and enthusiasts around the world, and as always, count the days until the next chance. Thank you, everyone, for coming out and sharing our passion, and please keep an eye out for many photo shoots from the trip in the coming weeks!